Have you ever wondered how to take a long story and make it short? Well. That is what my web designer asked me to do. Unfortunately, I spent my early life on a cattle ranch in Northern Montana. Living close to the Black Foot Reservation, life was about stories. Mine started there.
Personal safety wasn't something I learned until much later. Get the job done as efficiently as possible. Learn from your mistakes. And if worse comes to worst, don't tell mom… Well, let us at least try and make a long story short. So here goes: I learned a lot about myself, the world, animals and how to make the best of things when all seems lost. I survived with only a few broken bones, lost skin and some dents here and there. I discovered that I loved learning about structures and understanding how things work. Efficiency was the byword whether we were stacking hey bales, loading rocks, training horses or gathering cattle. When it came time to decide what to do with my life, I chose Engineering. That didn't stick long, and I began my apprenticeship in the traditional art of Blacksmithing. Design and build. The world opened before me.
Most unfortunately, chronic pain had become my constant companion. Having struggled for many years already, I felt like I was losing not long after my 21 birthday. All the modalities and movement systems I tried had little to no effect. By sheer serendipity I found Structural Integration, and the results were immediate and dramatic. A few years later, my life switched streams. I read Dr. Rolf's book on the Structure and Function of Human Beings and decided to go back to school. I never liked the word ‘Rolfing’, and I have it on fact that she didn’t either.
A decade later, I have made the method my own. More research and continuing education than you might believe combined with the experience from many thousands of sessions, I continue developing the system that once changed my life.
Checkout my résumé!
I like Ice Cream
I like my banjo
I like Horsing Around
I like my cat